Características de la Redacción - Turiferario

UNIT 1. Pre-writing: Getting ready to write. 


Freewriting - My first day at university.

Today is my first day at university, I am a nervous eighteen year old woman. Despiste having succesfuly dealt with university entrance exams, I am extremely nervous and shaking from head to toe. My best friend Paula is waiting me in the front door, the entrance. A senior student in my degree is also waiting for my arrrival because we have been talking a lot in twitter. We love the same music style. Once I am in class I am making new friends. There is a girl named Lucía I used to take English lessons with. Now we are in the same class more or less ten year later. It is nice to bump into a person it has been ages you haven't seen. Going to university is a whole new experience, I am going by bus every day with some students that are in the same class as me. To be honest, I am over the moon with my adulthood life. I am getting to know new people whose likes are similar to mine, I taking driving lessons since I want to be more independent and I absolutely love what I am studying.

Listing - Pollution.

Old cars damaged the environment

Hybrid Cars contribute to it

City Center extremely poluted

Towns are not that affected 

Cars are the main problem


Use public transport

Go for a walk

Bus to move and know people

Animals are dying

Ecosystems are disappearing

Endangered specles


Less litter

Less plastic

Less production

Less carbon dioxide emissions

Clean beaches.

Not throwing litter to the ocean

Put litter in the correct container

European plan

No planet b

Mapping - Fast fashion

Company: cheap production, massive and international, huge benefits, well-known, pollute.

Clients: expensive compared to production, spend so much in buying constantly, low quality, short time life clothes.

Young people: slaves to fashion, obsessed, buy nonstop, not their style, main customers.

Asking questions - American Was of Independence

When did it start? It started in 1775.

Which countries were involved? Who took part in it? Some of the countries that took part in the American War are Great Britain, France and Spain.

What was it? Why did happen?The North American colonies, which were ruled by Great Britain, wanted the independence.

How long did it take? The war length was seven years.

Where took place? It took place in EEUU.

When did it finish? It finished in 1783.

Cubing - Joining a therapy group for problems with gambling.

Describe: people who are frequently playing games in a casino.

Compare: playing addiction, financial problems.

Associate: betting shop are making profit of gambling, a plan is set to trick players.

Analyse: gambling connects players and betting shops.

Applying: addictions, lack of control.

Arguing: support - they will be able to solve a problem in a comprehensive environment and against - this solution can be faster solved by going to a therapist.

UNIT 2. The structure of a Paragraph.


1- What is a paragraph? A paragraph is a writing unit structured in a variable number of sentences that talk about the same topic.

What is the normal length of a paragraph? There is not a established number of sentences, but to be more precise, it would be from 5 to 10 sentences.

Is there a standard structure for paragraphs? Yes, there is a pattern. A topic sentence, supporting sentences (examples, statements, stadistics ) and a concluding sentence.

How is a paragraph linked together? The different sentences are linked together with linkers and connectors, as well as with punctuation marks.

3.1 a)

Topic: Despite this, many countries encourage the growth of home ownership.

Example: Ireland and Spain, for example, allow mortgage payers to offset payments against income tax.

Reason: It is widely believed that owning your own home has social as well as economic benefits.

Supporting point 1: Compared to renters, homeowners are thought to be more stable members of the community who contribute more to local affairs.

Supporting point 2: In addition, neighbourhoods of owner occupiers are considered to have less crime and better schools.

Supporting point 3: But above all, ownership encourages saving and allows families to build wealth.

4. Topic sentence: All these claims were challenged by the economic crash of 2008, which was in large part caused by defaults on American sub-prime mortgages.

Definition: These had been developed to allow higher-risk poorer families to buy their own homes, but contributed to a property price bubble.

Result 1: When this burst, millions of people lost their homes, which for many had contained their savings.

Result 2: Others were trapped in their houses by negative equity, in other words their houses were worth less than they had paid for them.

Result 3: Even households that had positive equity still felt poorer and reduced their spending.

Conclusion: Many economists now argue that there is a maximum level of home ownership that should not be exceeded.

UNIT 3. The development of a Paragraph. 


Shakespeare today - My paragraph

Nowadays, the English literature has a significant role in the book industry thanks to William Shakespeare who is one of the greatest writers of all time. Shakespeare’s renown is due to his unique way of writing tragedy, for instance, ‘Romeo and Juliet? as a romantic tragedy. Moreover, another masterpiece is ‘Hamlet’, which is based on revenge. But he is one step ahead questioning life decisions such as his iconic quote ‘ to be or not to be’. Therefore, the British dramaturge, William Shakespeare, has definitely proved the way for other writers.

Peer editing

The paragraph is interesting and everything is understood. There are more or less six sentences. It would be nice to add more Shakespeare areas of influence. A wide range of linkers has been used.

Paragraph edited.

Nowadays, the English literature has a significant role in the book industry thanks to William Shakespeare who is one of the greatest writers of all time. Shakespeare’s renown is due to his unique way of writing tragedy, for instance, ‘Romeo and Juliet? as a romantic tragedy. Moreover, another masterpiece is ‘Hamlet’, which is based on revenge. But he is one step ahead questioning life decisions such as his iconic quote ‘ to be or not to be’. Shakespeare influenced different aspects apart from literature, for instance philosophy. Therefore, the British dramaturge, William Shakespeare, has definitely proved the way for other writers.

UNIT 4. Descriptive and Process Paragraphs.


Write a descriptive paragraph person.

TITLE: From DC to Barbie.

If i had to choose a successful person, my obvious choice would be Margot Robbie. The Australian actress has become a worldwide celebrity thanks to her role in Barbie the movie as she played the main character. I have been a huge fan of her back then, when she played Harley Quinn. There is no doubt her similarity towards the famous doll, this fact contributed to be elected as the human Barbie. Regarding her physical appealing, she has got long blond hair that gracefully falls down her back and oval shaped face. Last but not least, she has ocean blue eyes. With her gorgeous white smile she could light up the sky. Her stunning make up gives a fresh look style with red lips and rosy cheeks. Every time my eyes meet the scene shown in the picture, the song Dance the night away by DuaLipa is the first that comes to my mine. She definitely shines while performing this smooth dance. In addition, her outstanding elegance reminds me of a white swam while she dances.

UNIT 5. Opinion Paragraphs 


Write an opinion paragraph - Analysis of a TED TALK by Ken Robinson.

Nowadays, creativity in schools is extremely overrated. The education system caters for academic efficiency without encouraging students to boost their potential as a whole. Ken Robinson says 'Students are born with potential creativity, but they are educated out of it'. As a matter of fact, schools are instructing their students as if they were robots who do not feel and have a creative side. Moreover, they are asked to memorize and reproduce what they have studied by heart. This could be updated if they were asked to reach alternative ways to answer their questions and avoid theoretical evaluations. All in all, the outdated system must be improved for future generations. Otherwise, we will reach a moment where all people think as robots not as human beings.

UNIT 6. Comparison/Contrast Paragraphs. 


Write a poem of comparison + Write a comparison paragraph.

Shall I compare you to a rainy day?

When the drops of rain meet the ground nonstop,

they are endlessly stuck in our way,

at the same time my eyes tear up.

Shall I compare you to a rainy day?

When my heart is all broken up.

There are days in the year that could be compared to specific feelings. A rainy day is blurred jus as the eyes when they tear up.The drops of rain gracefully fall nonstop similar to tears. Both drops of rain and tears meet the ground nonstop. Likewise, rainy days are known for being sad days. Similarly, for those people who do not like rainy days, their heart breaks up just as when you are being hurt by a loved one. In a nutshell, rainy days and sadness feeling have a lot in common.

UNIT 7. Problem/Solution Paragraphs. 


Write a problem/solution paragraph based on the clip (Hitchcock Presents).

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life in New York, there is a depressed and overwhelmed man who is constantly facing serious issues. On the one hand, he has got fired and he does not believe in hard work anymore. On the other hand, the love of his life has broken up with him because there is someone else with whom she is in love. As a result, he is about to give up life and trying to commit suicide. There is a police man preventing him from jumping off a building who turns out to be the man who was having an affair with her wife. In the end, he pushes the policeman who ends up killed due to the crash.

One solution to this problem could be attending therapy sessions. This method is quite underrated because people are afraid of being judged. However, this is just a common misconception among today's generation. Mainly because it is all the way round, they are going to be listened to and understood. Life is not easy, but we cannot quit it while we are facing hard moments. Giving therapy a try can be a way to avoid making terrible decisions. Especially those that you cannot undo them.

UNIT 8. Structure of an Essay. 


Parts of an essay.

A.True or false about academic essay structure?

1 Essays and paragraphs have a very different structure. False

2 Essays must have a logical and cohesive structure. True

3 Topic sentences introduce the main idea of an essay. False

4 Concluding sentences are not always required. True

B. Match each term:

1 a) Introduction: is the first paragraph in an essay. It introduces the topic and indicates the focus of the essay.

2 i) Background: the first part of the introduction that introduces the topic and gives some general information about it.

3 b) Thesis statement: the most important sentence in an essay that comes at the end of the introduction. It expresses the main idea or purpose of the whole essay.

4 h) Body paragraphs: these make up the main section of an essay where all the key ideas and supporting details are discussed.

5 d) Topic sentence: is usually the first sentence of a paragraph and expresses its main idea or central focus.

6 g) Supporting ideas: these are found in the body paragraphs.They come after the topic sentence and provide support for its main idea.

7 j) Details: usually follow supporting ideas and develop them through such things as explanations, examples, or definitions.

8 f) Concluding sentence: this comes at the end of the body paragraph to restate the main idea.

9 e) Conclusion: this is the last paragraph of an essay. It reminds the reader of the thesis statement and summarizes the key points discussed in the body paragraphs.

10 c) Transitions: words or phrases that link important ideas within a paragraph or between paragraphs.

C. Read the essay and label each item.

1. Thesis statement

2. Topic sentence

3. Supporting ideas 

4. Background

5. Details

6. 1st body paragraph

7. Transitions 

8. Concluding sentence

9. Introduction

10. Conclusion

D. Topic: The benefits of healthy eating


Thesis statement: This essay will provide further information about what the benefits of healthy eating are, and what doctors advise the population.

Brainstorming: doing sport regularly, junk food, vegetables, fruits, and drinking water.

Body paragraph 1

Topic sentence: Healthy food is far more affordable than junk food.

Supporting idea 1: Fruits and vegetables are cheaper than buying meat.

Details: Eating healthy will help the house economy

Supporting idea 2: Eating healthy will prevent people from being ill.

Details: Those who eat healthy are less likely to suffer illness.

Body paragraph 2

Topic sentence: Eating too much junk food will have a detrimental effect on our health.

Supporting idea 1: According to recent studies, doctors encourage people to cut down on the amount of junk food they consume.

Details: This will sincerely increase the number of patient’s who are likely to suffer heart diseases.

Supporting idea 2: Following a balanced diet rich in vegetables, fruits and carbohydrates is a fool-proof solution.

Details: Some essential products are potatoes, lettuce, apples and oranges must be included in our diet.


Today’s young people are not used to eating healthy food. This event is due mainly to the fact that fast food brands such as Burger King and KFC are everywhere. Young people are not aware of the risk their health is under. This essay will provide further information about what the benefits of healthy eating are, and what doctors advise the population.

Regarding a balanced diet, healthy food is far more affordable than junk food. Although there are some common misconceptions that are against the previous statement, it is a fact that eating healthy will help the house economy. What is more, eating healthy will prevent people from being ill. Those who eat healthy are less likely to suffer illness.

Another key point to consider is the doctor's advice, eating too much junk food will have a detrimental effect on our health. According to recent studies, doctors encourage people to cut down on the amount of junk food they consume. For this reason, following a balanced diet rich in vegetables, fruits and carbohydrates is a fool-proof solution.Some essential products are potatoes, lettuce, apples and oranges must be included in our diet.

To sum up, there is no doubt that eating healthy is a fantastic way to achieve well-being and avoid spending a huge amount of money. Do not hesitate and give healthy eating a try.

UNIT 9. Outlining an Essay. 


Making outlines.

Outline: Styles of Popular Music


Thesis statement: Three of the more successful styles are reggae, punk, and rap.


A.One successful style of popular music is reggae.

1.Born on the Caribbean island of Jamaica in the 1960s.

A) Afro-Caribbean music called mento.

2.Developed from mento.

A) Ska

B) Reggae

3.Reggae’s special sound comes from reversing the roles of instruments.

A)Guitar plays a rhythm and bass plays melody.

4.Rastafarian cult added.

A)Unusual sound mixes.

B)Extra-slow tempos

C)Strange lyrics 

D)Mystical-political themes

5. Bob Marley - best known reggae musician 

A) Well-known reggae groups

6. Reggae has influenced later styles of popular music.

B.A second successful style of popular music is punk

1. Punk is a style of rock music

A) It began in the mid-1970s.

2.With clothing and hairstyles, punks intended to shock society.

A) The “punk look”.

3.Onstage behavior of punks

A) Violent.

4. Punk music is simple.

A) Anti-government.

B) Anti-authority.

C) Anti-conformity.

5. The first bands to popularize punk. 

6. Punk has evolved into other styles.

A) Hardcore punk.

B) Emo.

C) Pop punk.

C.A third successful style of popular music is rap.

1.Also known as hip-hop.

2.Form of dance music-singers speak in rhythm and rhyme.

3.Originated in Africa.

A)Traveled to the U.S. via Jamaica-“toasting”.

B) Appeared in the discos of New York City’s black neighborhoods.

C)Disco DJs + rappers played songs for dancers at parties.

D)The role of the rapper.

E)Rappers added lyrics, slogans, rhymes and call-and-response exchange.

4.Early rap songs were about dancing, partying and romantic adventures.

A)Politics-theme in the 1980s and 1990s.

5. Most rappers are young black males.

A)Female rapper-Queen Latifah 

B)White rappers - Eminem and the Beastie Boys

III.Conclusion: music changes constantly. New styles are born, grow, change, and produce offshoots, which in turn grow, change, and produce offshoots. Some styles enjoy lasting popularity, but others disappear rather quickly. However, all contribute to the power and excitement of popular music in our time.

Outline: The Right to Die

I.Although many people feel that doctors must do everything possible to keep their patients alive, I believe that euthanasia should be legal for three reasons.

II. The first and most important reason to support euthanasia is that some patients that have no chance to recover do not wish to be kept alive on machines.

A.These patients are kept alive by life-support machines.

1. Case of Terri Schiavo.

III. A second reason to support euthanasia is that medical costs in the United States are very high.

A. Keeping a person alive for years and years in hospital.

1. Daily hospital room charges average $5,000.

B. Nursing home.

1.  $4,500.

IV. The final reason to support legalizing euthanasia is that the family suffers.

A. Families must spend time caring for their special needs.

1. A cousin who has a motorcycle accident. 

V.Conclusion: To summarize, patients who are either terminally ill or who are in an irreversible coma often wish to die. Their care is a financial, physical, and emotional burden for their families. Therefore, families should have the right to ask doctors to turn off life-support machines or to remove feeding tubes.

UNIT 10. Introductions and Conclusions. 



List the topics as they narrow down from sentence to sentence.

1.Life of a teenager in modern America.

2.Multitude of conflict and problems.

3.Problems center around school.

4. Since school is not an option, teenagers need to be more aware. (Bridge)

5. Circle five effective words in the sample paragraph: school, problems, teenagers, pressure and grades.

6. Thesis: Primary problems created by school are the intense pressure for good grades and the even more intense pressure of peers.

7. The entire lead is from the life of a teenager (…) to school-related activities.


Brainstorm topic:

1. Classic school timetable

2. Headmasters are trying to introduce some changes

3.Add more breaks

4. If I had to  (Bridge)

5. Although some headmasters believe students should have longer school days, the timetable should remain unchanged for the benefit of not only students, but also teachers.  (Thesis)

In today’s society, the classic school timetable has proved to be effective. However, headmasters are trying to introduce some changes. This is due to the fact that more breaks would be implemented to the classic timetable. If I had to give my own personal opinion, I would not change it.  Although some headmasters believe students should have longer school days, the timetable should remain unchanged for the benefit of not only students, but also teachers.  


1. Thesis: In order for the threat of nuclear war to be lessoned, we must cease nuclear testing and find a realistic way to police arms agreement.

2. What do you think this paper will be about? It will be about the booming issue.

3. Circle five effective words used in this sentence that helped the reader picture the scene: explosion, earth, nuclear, political and world. 

4. How many sentences was the lead? The lead was two-three sentences. 

5. Write the bridge down on the lines below: Nuclear obliteration, like what we have just imagined, stands next to us at every political turning point unless world solutions are reached.

6. What is a bridge, as it pertains to the introductory paragraph? It connects the background information and the thesis statement.

Write a Descriptive Lead - If you could go on vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
On summer vacation there is nothing compared to the smell of the sea and the taste of salty water. The best place on Earth to enjoy outstanding beaches is the Caribbean Islands. Being in such a tropical and exotic place is a worthwhile holiday destination. So if I could go on vacation anywhere in the world, I would go to the Caribbean Islands. 


1st Example essay:

1. How many sentences was the lead? It was three sentences long.

2. Write the lead: The people are swarming about and my thoughts get fuzzy as I run next to the gurney into the operating room. There is noise and confusion as I try to revive the victim of the drunk-driving accident. His left lung is punctured, he is bleeding profusely, many bones are broken, and I don’t know if he will ever walk again.

3. Write the thesis: If I could have any job in the world and be great at what I do I would want to be a surgeon so I can save lives, positively affect the world, and be proud of my job.

4. Label the bridge: Even through all of the pressure that can be imagined in this situation I still want to be a surgeon.

2nd Example essay:

1. How many sentences was the lead?It was five sentences long.

2. Write the lead: Joey was driving home after a school dance one Friday night. As usual he was driving fast and his Ford began to skid. He frantically turned the steering wheel, but the car went out of control and crossed the center line. It tragically slammed into an oncoming truck, and both drivers were killed. One result of terrible accidents like this is a public demand that high school students be required to take a longer driver’s training course.

3. Write the thesis: Therefore, all high school districts should require that student attend driver’s training longer in order to strengthen the teenagers ability to drive.

4. Label the bridge: Most high schools offer courses, but the courses are not rigorous enough, or hold accountability to logged hours by each teenager. 

Write an Anecdote Lead - If you could have any job in the world and be great at it, what would you choose and why?

We live in a world where everyone has a special talent. Some people are aware of their own talent, whereas for others it remains unknown. I was one of the first lucky group, since I was pretty young and I knew what I was good at, it was teaching people. What I like the most about helping others is the adrenaline rush of being helpful. Therefore, if I could have any job in the world and be great at what I do I would want to be a teacher so I can help people and be proud of them.

UNIT 11. Unity and Coherence. 


Practice 1 - UNITY


  1. Which paragraph has unity? - Paragragh 2

  2. Which paragraph does not have unity because it discusses to different topics? - Paragragh 1

  3. Which paragraph does not have unity because it has sentences that are not related to the main topic? - Paragragh 3


Paragraph 1 -  topic sentence: adventure travel is the hot trend in the tourism industry. Sentence off the topic: people of all ages are choosing educational study tours for their vacations.

Paragraph 2 -  topic sentence: Daredevil sports are also becoming popular. Sentence off the topic: Soccer is also popular in th United States now, although football is till more popular.


Paragraph 1 The division should be in “Someday, software may be available to (…)”

Sentences to take off: “”His company spends (…)” and “Computer spelling checkers 

Paragraph 2 The division should be in “Although North Americans (…)”

Sentences to take off: “Meals in the United States are usually more informal than meals in other countries, and the times of meals may be different” and “Idioms are often difficult for newcomers to understand”.


Repetition of key nouns:

-Paragraph with Coherence - POST PICTURE

-Paragraph without Coherence - Gold has been replaced so many times by the pronoun “it” and it makes difficult to the reader to follow the topic. Similar case with pronoun “its” when says another of its important characteristics.

Practice 2 - Repetition of Key Nouns 

A - 3. English. 5. English. 6. English. 7. English  8. English

B - 3. Dolphins. 5. Dolphins. 7. Dolphins. 10. Dolphins 

Practice 3 - Key Noun Substitutes

Step 1 Key nouns: Throw, Gras.

Step 2 a) Repetition of key nouns: Throw, Mardi Gras.

B) Pronouns that refer to them: they(nº)

C) Synonyms: trinkets, souvenirs, memento.

Practice 4 Olympic Athletes
Olympic athletes must be strong both physically and mentally. First, if you hope to compete in an Olympic sport, you must be physically strong. As a result, aspiring Olympians must train rigorously for many years. For the most demanding sports, they train several hours a day, five or six days a week, for ten or more years. In addition to being physically strong, athletes must also be mentally tough. This means that you have to be totally dedicated to your sport, often giving up a normal school, family, and social life. Being mentally strong also means that he or she must be able to withstand the intense pressure of international competition with its accompanying media coverage. In conclusion, not everyone can win a medal, so Olympians must possess the inner strength to live with defeat.

Practice 5 - 

Paragraph 1
One difference among the world's seas and oceans is that salinity varies in different climate zones. The Baltic Sea in northern Europe is only one-fourth as salty as the Red Sea in the Middle East. There are reasons for this. In warm climates, water evaporates rapidly. The concentration of salt is greater. The surrounding land is dry and does not contribute much freshwater to dilute the salty seawater. In cold climate zones, water evaporates slowly. The runoff created by melting snow adds a considerable amount of freshwater to dilute the saline seawater.

Paragraph 2
One difference among the world's seas and oceans is that salinity varies in different climate zones. For example, the Baltic Sea in northern Europe is only one-fourth as saline as the Red Sea in the Middle East. There are two reasons for this. First of all, in warm climate zones, water evaporates rapidly; therefore, the concentration of salt is greater. Second, the surrounding land is dry; consequently, it does not contribute much freshwater to dilute the salty seawater. In cold climate zones, on the other hand, water evaporates slowly. Furthermore, the runoff created by melting snow adds a considerable amount of freshwater to dilute the saline seawater.

The most coherent is Paragraph 2 because it has a wide range of connectors.

Practice 6 -  Genetic Engineering

Genetic research has produced both exciting and frightening possibilities. Scientists are now able to create new forms of life in the laboratory because of the development of gene splicing. On the one hand, the ability to create life in the laboratory could greatly benefit humankind. One beneficial application of gene splicing is in agriculture. For example, researchers have engineered a more nutritious type of rice that could help alleviate the serious problem of vitamin A deficiency. It is estimated that 124 million children worldwide lack vitamin A, putting them at risk of permanent blindness and other health issues. In addition genetic engineers have created larger fish, frost-resistant strawberries, and cows that produce more milk. Indeed agriculture has already benefited from the promise of genetic engineering.

On the other hand not everyone is positive about gene-splicing technology. Some people feel that it could have terrible consequences. In fact a type of corn engineered to kill a certain insect pest also threatened to annihilate desirable monarch butterflies. In another accident, a genetically engineered type of corn that was approved only for animal consumption because it was toxic to humans accidentally cross-pollinated with corn grown for humans. As a result many countries banned imports of genetically modified corn for several years. Furthermore the ability to clone human beings is a possibility that frightens many people. In 2004, two South Korean scientists reported that they had successfully cloned a human embryo (Dreifus). The embryo did not develop into a baby however it is possible that one could do so in the future, a possibility that not everyone is comfortable with.

Practice 7 - 

A 1. Furthermore.  2. However.  3. Therefore.  4. For example.  5. In conclusion. 

6. As a result. 

B 1. In fact.  2. Also.  3.Indeed.  4. Similarly.  5. Second.  6.Third.  7. For example.  8. Final and most convincing. 

C 1. Another.  2. First.  3. However.   4. Second.


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